Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Cows Make Happy Ties

No model in our office could have done this amazing tie justice so I gave the honor to our longstanding mascot Harrison.  Harrison, the inflatable dairy cow, effortlessly pulled off this vintage 1992 417 series by Van Heusen.  This crowd pleaser has been likened to famous works of art ranging from Van Gogh to Monet.  Personally, I agree with the Monet reference and the classic saying "Good from far, but far from good"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Hey Everyone! In honor of Memorial Day and to celebrate the beginning of summer I brought out the big guns today with a vintage 1988 summery floral tie expertly hand fabricated by my favorite designer Nina Matacia ($20 prize to anyone who can find out who he is).

The tie was a huge hit in the office, everyone loved the bold floral pattern that appeared to be flowing in a warm and relaxing Caribbean breeze. The sunglasses pulled together the whole look.

Who knows what goodies I have planned for tomorrow. Stay Tuned!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Just to play a little catch up, the tie odyssey has been ongoing for the past week and a half. Instead of recapping each day, we decided to take a glamour shot to display the amazingness of the first fallen soldiers.

A few highlights:

The middle tie is a potential Gucci knockoff and has been a fan favorite of the office.  You can't beat interwoven golden rings of glory.

I started off wearing jackets to work to hide the glory of my retro ties, but the weather now is too warm and I can no longer conceal my Scarlet Letter.  With my fashion faux pas out for everyone to see I have self proclaimed myself as the creepy PATH rider with no fashion sense.  My daily commute consists of a ride with the same group of lucky individuals who are blessed with getting to work at 7am.  I truly hope that my disregard for current fashion trends brings a little joy to their daily lives.  

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Man The Myth The Legend

The guy's name is Dave and he really loves ties. His father just so happens to love ties too. His father has recently retired and all of his ties have been passed down to Dave. He will wear a tie a day until he is done wearing all his fathers ties. Please follow his path on "Tie One Off". After all of the ties have been worn they will be passed on to friends, family and complete strangers.